Who are your influencers?

We all have influencers, role models and people that we admire in our personal lives and our businesses. These influencers have been largely unattainable in the past, but social media has changed that significantly. What is an Influencer? They are people that others...

5 Ways to Use Social Media to Make Connections Online

Building connections and relationships are crucial components of the marketing function of your business. But life happens and sometimes you just cannot get out of the office or house, if you have a home-based business. As a single parent, I need to be selective about...

Listen to your social media

Hootsuite is one of my favorite social media tools. HootSuite is typically used as a social media scheduling tool, but I use it for so much more….I use it as a business intelligence tool and teach my clients to do the same. The results are almost instantaneous and...