The Brief

This edition of our monthly Wisdom Panel series is about WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP. 

Join me in an unscripted conversation with our brilliant panelists – Click on each of the panelists’ names. to learn more about them:

  • Jeannie Spiro – Business Coach, Speaker, Podcast Host
  • Rachel Braun Scherl – Speaker, Author, Vagipreneur, Champion of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Marybeth Gregg – Speaker, Author, Founder of International Center for Women’s Leadership (ICWL)
  • Janet Barrett – Organizational Psychologist, Founder and CEO of Cerebral Health, Author, Speaker
  • Christine Campbell Rapin – Business Mentor, Consultant, Owner of CLEAR Acceleration Inc.

We’ll discuss various perspectives on Women’s Leadership. Including some of the topics below:

  • It’s an inside job: Self-leadership and self-awareness is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort to develop the skills and mindset of a successful leader. It started with YOU.
    • Know yourself and understand your strengths, values, motivations, and core beliefs. Evolving personally and professionally requires being open to adopting a growth mindset and a willingness for change. 
    • Hold yourself accountable for your actions and decisions. This means taking ownership of your perceived mistakes and learning from them. It also means celebrating your successes-big and small and recognizing your accomplishments.
    • Self-leadership is not about being hard on yourself. It’s about loving yourself and being supportive and encouraging. 
  • Overcoming adversity: We’ll share real-life stories of challenges faced and how they were overcome. 
  • The power of mentorship: Whether you are mentoring or the one being mentored, these are mutually beneficial relationships that can change the course of a life or a business. The ripple effect is massive as we make the commitment to pay it forward by mentoring other women.
  • Innovation and creativity: As women entrepreneurs over 50, we’ve grown and changed with the world. Leaning into innovation and creativity was not optional. Figuring things out is what we do. 
  • The elusive work-life balance: We were fed the story of ‘bringing home the bacon and frying it up in a pan.’ A more realistic story is that we can have it all, but not at the same time. When we finally had the space to do what we wanted, we started our own businesses, wrote books, started podcasts, and found a way for our voices to be heard. 
  • Advocates for change: Women entrepreneurs are excellent advocates. We’ll share how we affect change that supports women in leadership and entrepreneurship today and into the future.
  • Stories of reinvention, resilience, and remembering:  Sharing stories of the good, the bad, and the ugly of claiming our space as we age, work, and lead in a rapidly changing world. 
  • Building a supportive network: Why having a network/community of supportive peers, mentors, and advocates is critical to midage women. in leadership.
  • Legacy and impact: How we show up matters today and for future generations. 

Meet More of the Real 50 Over 50 Women

Wisdom Panel: Menopause Revolution

Wisdom Panel: Menopause Revolution

THE WISDOM PANEL: Menopause Revolution  Tuesday, March 18th @ noon ETThe Brief The Real 50 over 50 presents a monthly Wisdom Panel; this month's topic, The Menopause Revolution.  Five remarkable women entrepreneurs, each over 50, bring their brand of expertise to this...

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