Tried & New

Gather, Position & Amplify Your Story


Being visible to the actual people and organizations you want to connect with is the holy grail.

We have all spent way too much time online trying to figure out how to find and connect with the right people.

It’s frustrating, time-consuming, and too often does not result in anything.

I’ve been teaching small business owners how to do this for years.

There is no magic bullet, secret sauce, or blueprint. It’s different for everyone. It’s custom. It takes work, and the best part is… when you do the work, you get to look under the surface and really get to know your audience. This changes everything.

Keep reading to learn more about a very limited offer to do the work together in a small group for a ridiculously low price.

TRIED & NEW – beta cohort


Tried & New is a Master Class I have been building. It combines work I’ve done for 10 years or more. That is the TRIED part. Enhanced with NEW strategies, tools, and resources.

Everything in Tried & New is intended to help intentionally grow your visibility.

  • Gather your story from things you already have and what to do with it.
  • Create avenues in YOUR business to identify and connect with your perfect audience.
  • Learn how to find speaking, podcast, and media opportunities and how to pitch effectively.
  • Recommended tools, resources, and how to realistically delegate tasks in your business.

This is way more than an online course. It is how to build a foundation that will help you leverage what you have, spend less time, and make better marketing decisions.

Even if you plan on hiring a marketing or PR agency or consultant in the future, what you learn in Tried & New will help you be prepared and know the questions to ask to hire the right team.


small group

The cohort is limited to 12 people. We will roll-up our sleves and work together.

6 weeks

Starting in January with 6 LIVE weekly meetings in a private Facebook Group. 


All content will be available to you in the membership site during the cohort and for as long as it is relevant. 

Small Investment

This is a beta cohort so the investment is VERY affordable at $300.



Your Story | Cravotta Media Group

why tried & new?

  • Know your business story and how to use it to connect and open doors
  • Position yourself so you are visible to the right people and they find you
  • Understand how PR works and how to use it for growth
  • Stop wasting time and pitch like a pro. Land podcast interviews, media, and speaking gigs
  • Learn how to work the tools instead of them working you
  • Build these foundational strategies into your business so they work for you again and again

what you'll get

  • 4 modules
  • Content is available in video, text, and audio formats and housed in ThriveCart Teach
  • Facebook Group for support during the 6 week course
  • Weekly LIVE calls
  • Access to the content for as long as it’s relevant
  • Recommended tools, resources, and experts
  • A few surprises too


New Content

I’ve taken myself through a Tried & New process and ripped through 7 courses I’ve created over the years, and tested new tools and resources. I’m creating a one-of-a-kind learning experience and want to take it through the paces with a small, involved group. 



This is not me at the pulpit. My vision for this small group is to work together. I am invested in your success and will give it my all. In return, I ask that you do the work and tell me what you think and how I can improve the course.

Why $300

I was building this as a DIY course priced at $300. As it all started coming together, I knew that people would have questions. So my plan changed, I am offering this one-time 6-week beta cohort, so it’s not created in a silo. In February or March, I will launch a DIY version priced at $300 and run cohorts several times a year, and the price will be higher. You will help me figure out the value. 

Hey I'm Donna Cravotta

I’m the CEO and Founder of Cravotta Media Group. 

After years of creating strategies and building customized online platforms, I saw a recurring theme, clients never had the marketing assets they needed to effectively implement the strategies. And they are frustrated from trying to figure out how to be in the right place at the right time online. 

So I flipped my own story and created two products (1) done for you Visibility Packages for Authors, Speakers & Content Creators and (2) the Tried & New Master Class: Gather, Position & Amplify Your Story. Both are focused on helping clients tell their stories in a strategic, organic, and human way and intentionally connect with their perfect audience.

Donna Cravotta | Speaker


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