Stephanie Shaw | The Real 50 over 50

About me

Stephanie Shaw is a health & wellness speaker and host of the podcast Hello, Hot Flash.

An educator by nature, Stephanie took the strategies she implemented to recover from a two-year illness and turned them into a nutrition coaching and online education business where she teaches midlife women how to manage their hormones to lose weight, and slow the aging process.

Stephanie’s online course, Mastering Menopause, supports midlife females by helping them peel back the layers that are blocking them, so they can control the change. As a result, women build lasting lifestyles of confidence, energy, and a body they deserve.

What do you do and why do you do it?

I educate women on how to heal their hormones, without drugs, so they can get through menopause. After visiting 18 different doctors, drugs were the only solution they had (I did not take them). I want women to understand that their bodies are going through a beautiful, and scary transition…and that there is a way to go through this transition with grace, dignity, and no hot flashes!

What changed for you after age 50?

I got a lot smarter about my hormones which changed my mind, body, and my business.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

Listen to your body. Every cycle, every heart beat is trying to send you a message.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

Take more risks. Calculated ones, of course! 😉

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

Women, young and old, can give meaning to the changes taking place in their bodies and do something about it.

Who or what inspires you and why?

My children because they are faithful and fearless.

Something else I’d like to share

I created a course, Mastering Midlife – a better understanding of what is happening to your body and the tools to support weight loss, better sleep, and balanced hormones. Though designed for midlife women, the tools in the course are there to support all the women in your life. 

Meet More of the Real 50 Over 50 Women

Wisdom Panel: Menopause Revolution

Wisdom Panel: Menopause Revolution

THE WISDOM PANEL: Menopause Revolution  Tuesday, March 18th @ noon ETThe Brief The Real 50 over 50 presents a monthly Wisdom Panel; this month's topic, The Menopause Revolution.  Five remarkable women entrepreneurs, each over 50, bring their brand of expertise to this...

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