The Real 50 over 50 | Shannon Giordano

About me

I’m not a digital native but I love social media when it’s used for good: to connect us, to share authentically, and to build relationships.

I’m passionate about helping women business owners and entrepreneurs build a strategy to authentically share their products and services online with the goal of getting the best return on investment from social media marketing. Growing up, I had dreams of being a folk singer (think: Carol King and Carly Simon) and taking the stage at every opportunity. Today I channel that energy into speaking with women to help them hone their message and find the perfect voice to share their own passion for what they do via social media.

I started my own company 10 years ago for two reasons. The first is that I wanted to be home more with my boys. The 12 hour days of corporate life were not conducive to enjoying time with them. The second reason is that I wanted more creativity in my life.The past 10 years have been a lesson in balance for me between spending time with family and doing work that I love. Now I’m about to be an empty nester. I’ve been grieving having my boys move on to college but I also recognize the gift in having more time and energy for my own creative pursuits. Who knows? Maybe I’ll start singing again!

What do you do and why do you do it?

I help business owners create a social media strategy that works for them, without requiring them to be on social media all day long. I think business owners often fear social media or look at it as a very shallow way of connecting. I like to create ways that feel fulfilling and worthwhile to build a following of people who are cheering you on and helping you make the world a better place.

What changed for you after age 50?

I think the most impactful thing was understanding that life is not infinite or guaranteed and that I needed to stop pushing things off to the future. Instead, I needed to some things today that are just for me. I’m so good at planning and delayed gratification but I recognize that delaying is sometimes good and sometimes it’s time to enjoy NOW.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

You are in control of choosing the life you want to live but there will be times when you can’t power through and make things happen. Sometimes you have to just know that you are exactly where you are meant to be and that you can enjoy the journey. And surround yourself with people who truly love you. Let the rest go.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

You’ve done well. You’ve tried hard. You’ve been kind. You’ve raised two amazing humans. You’ve been a good daughter, wife, friend, colleague, and volunteer. You’ve raised your hand to lead when you needed to and you’ve supported and followed others when you didn’t need to be in the lead. You’ve kept your heart open and you’ve learned new things all along the way. Rest easy now.

(P.S. This totally made me cry writing it!)

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

If it’s done well – sharing the real you – it can help people feel seen and heard. The people who are meant to work with you will resonate with what you say and do. Those are the people you can impact for the better.

Who or what inspires you and why?

There have been so many women in my life that inspire me. Right now I’m inspired by my mom. She attended college after me. She’s been a life-long learner. In retirement she is a Reiki master and teacher and she practices Reiki with hospice patients. She makes me know that life doesn’t end at retirement. That I can have a fulfilling life for years to come.

Something else I’d like to share

There are so many things in my life that have shaped who I am. I’m from a fairly working-class family of immigrants. Irish on my dad’s side. Swedish and English on my mom’s. I knew all my people, and I have been proud of their stories. I’m a first-generation college student, and I worked hard to be a leader and to get myself through college and graduate school. But I recognize that I had so much love and support along the way.

My parents didn’t have a lot of the opportunities I did, but they were smart and loving, and hard-working and made my life possible. I’ve also been shaped by the 5 years it took me to get pregnant with my twin boys. It was the first time in my life that I couldn’t make something happen with hard work. I had to recognize that I wasn’t perfect and let go of a lot of shame around what my body couldn’t do.

Those 5 years were painful but also wonderful. My husband and I traveled. We bought our first home. We fell in love with a Chinook puppy who became our first baby. And lucky us, the 5 IVF resulted in Nathan & Owen who are truly the loves of our lives. I’m happy to talk about any of these things. They are so much a part of who I am.

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