Mal Duane
Mal Duane

About me

Honestly, the first 50 years of my life were a trainwreck. It was fueled with addiction, to alcohol, self-loathing, and failed relationships. I was traveling the globe as a model in my early twenties, being photographed in beautiful clothes, and being seen with the rich and famous. To many, my life looked so glamorous. However, for me, it was a very painful time. I had no sense of self or any boundaries. I allowed myself to be used as arm candy rather than having a meaningful relationship.

Sadly, I did not get sober until I was 41 years old. At the time, I was working in real estate and doing very well. At night I would be consumed with depression and the need to drink. On 12/31/88, I was ready to die. I didn’t have another day in me. It was that night that I heard a different voice in my head that said I could not leave, I had lessons to learn, and when I mastered those lessons I would need to go and teach others.

That was the turning point for me on a path to self-mastery. For the next decade, I focused on my sobriety, building my real estate business, speaking on panels about the tools I used to make my company number one in my market area. For the first time in my life, I felt really good about me and felt my own self worth. I was committed to becoming the best version of Mal—the woman I was meant to be.

When I turned 50, I became incorporated and was running a multi-million dollar business, had built a beautiful home for myself, was showing a world champion Morgan horse. I was also in a healthy relationship, where I was treated with respect, and ended up getting married.

I had studied hard, read probably 500 books, and taken hundreds of classes. I was at a point where I felt I had mastered my lessons. I’m not saying my life was perfect. I have a different toolbox now rather than using a quart of vodka. I was meditating daily. I developed self-awareness and powerful intuition that gave me incredible wisdom when I needed it.

The self-destruction had ended. I started mentoring women. I wrote two inspirational books, “Alpha Chick” on my success in recovery which won the award for the addiction/ recovery book of the year 2012. The other “Broken Open,” I wrote in 2018, and it was about a betrayal in my marriage and how I used that experience to fortify my own self-worth and even find unconditional forgiveness for my ex-husband. Both of these books were Amazon best sellers and won multiple literary awards.

My books inspired me to start a podcast, “Awakening Divine Wildness.” I have to say it was great fun and an honor to interview the amazing guests I had. I loved doing it, but during covid took a break.

In 2019, I decided to attend Energy Medicine school, and graduated in 2022. I am now a master healer, reiki master, and certified crystal energy healer. Today I help women heal their emotional wounds, clear energy blocks, and reclaim their power.

What do you do and why do you do It?

My greatest joy today is helping women rekindle their own light and find their self-worth. I use chakra balancing and divinely guided crystal grids to move their energy and give them a clear pathway to their own power. I’m tapping into what is already within them but has been covered over by childhood wounds, destructive behaviors, and loss of self-worth.

What changed for you after age 50?

Once I recognized the power within me, I became unstoppable in manifesting what I wanted. I was no longer blindly reacting to life. Instead, I was responding with clear intention and direction.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

The biggest lesson I have learned is that no matter what someone else does to you, it does not define your self-worth.

I realized that in many instances I made poor choices that put me in situations of rejection and abuse. By owning that, I was not a victim, allowing me to fully regain my power.

The other big lesson is that happiness is an inside job. Not one thing, person, or place is responsible for your happiness. You create your happiness through the choices you make. When you feel good about yourself and are tuned into your value as a woman, you make very different choices that support you, your growth, and your happiness.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

I did it my way. Much of what I experienced was because I didnt know I deserved better. I don’t regret anything, for every situation has taught me invaluable lessons and inspired incredible growth. I learned my lessons well and have shared them with many who were in need. I feel like a made a difference.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

Visibility is a great way to expand your audience, find your tribe, and meet the people you are meant to serve. I think one thing that is most important is that anything you put out there comes from your heart. It needs to be clear, and authentic, and invite collaboration. Service is the fastest way to uncover your soul’s purpose.

Who or what inspires you and why?

Working with the energy of the things that I surround myself with invigorates me daily. I have crystals, plants, and oils that I use in rituals and ceremony to move my energy, and tap into pure bliss. I find as I get older, very simple things make me happy.

“As women, we have no limitations. Only the ones that we create for ourselves. There is nothing that we cannot do, if we want to do it.

Mal Duane

The Brief

This interview with Mal Duane is full of wisdom! 

‌Mal is a life recovery coach, but she had an inspiring journey of overcoming challenges and finding happiness. Now, she teaches what she learned to other women. 

Mal was a top fashion model in the 1960s and then a successful realtor. On the outside, she appeared to be living a charmed life. But on the inside, she was struggling with an addiction to alcohol, depression, and a trail of failed relationships. In 1988, she hit rock bottom and even contemplated suicide. However, she heard a voice telling her she had lessons to learn and teach, which motivated her to seek help and start her path to sobriety.

This started Mal on the path of self-improvement, self-care, and self-love. She took classes, worked with coaches, went on retreats, and started journaling and meditating. Shifting her thinking and believing in herself led to tremendous personal growth. Her business and life thrived.

Mal shared that personal growth doesn’t have to be expensive. Practices like meditation, reading inspiring books, and journaling are accessible to everyone. While she has participated in some costly programs, she encourages women to find affordable ways to center themselves, get clear on their desires, and tap into their passions.

Leaving a legacy of making a difference in the lives of women is important to Mal. She aims to reach out and help as many women as possible, sharing her knowledge widely and creating a ripple effect that creates a lasting legacy for future generations.

Letting go of addiction, always needing to be right, and being stuck in survival mode, led Mal to a sense of peace as she deepened her spiritual learnings and prioritized her happiness, balance, and alignment with her true self.

Mal encourages the audience not to let perceived limitations hold them back. She firmly believes that discipline, a willingness to learn, and setting one’s mind to a goal can lead to anything being possible. Women, in particular, have no limitations except the ones they create for themselves.

Learn more about Mal and the other Real 50 over 50 women on our official web page.

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