The Real 50 over 50 | Kamrin Huban

About me

Lana McAra is an award-winning, international best-selling author and ghostwriter of 44 titles through traditional publishing with a million books sold, many under the name Rosey Dow. She has been teaching how to write fiction for 20 years.

Writing under the name Rosey Dow, she won The Christy Award, The Book Excellence Award and The Literary Titan Silver Book Award for her historical novel Reaping the Whirlwind and her mystery series, Colorado, sold more than 250,000 copies. Check Amazon for her new Cowboy Romance Series title Tara’s Dilemma. She is the host of The Fiction Writers Podcast with Lana McAra.

What do you do and why do you do it?

I help people feel better. Whether that’s by helping them with get their message out to the book world, holding spiritual healing sessions or simply telling my inspiring story, My goal is to lift people in every interaction so they leave feeling better.

What changed for you after age 50?

I went through a sudden and painful divorce after 30 years of marriage to a respected pastor (who was very abusive). I reinvented my life at age 52 with no job resume for 30 years.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

Better days are ahead.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

You did good, girl. All that crap in the past was just backstory. You ended up where you were meant to be all along.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

Selling more books.

Who or what inspires you and why?

Seeing so many women over 50 living their dream life. I remember when my grandmother looked so old at 48, and she spent her days watching TV and staring out the window. She had no vision, no purpose, and that was the fate of most older women in those days. No longer. Every time I see a vibrant, mature woman step into the stage or come into a social media post with a glow on her face and strength in her message, I stand up and cheer.

Something else I’d like to share

We all have more in us than we ever dreamed possible. Let’s fan that spark and let it shine.

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