Kate Wells | Parlor Games event vendor | The Real 50 over 50

About me

Kate Wells is a hormone expert and true biochem nerd who has been educating practitioners about hormones for many years. Starting out as a High School science teacher, and then pivoting to the business world, Kate knew she wanted to combine her passions for science and business and found the perfect match in leadership roles at labs specializing in hormone testing and hormone formulation.

Kate is the author of A Forecast for Health: Understanding Your Potential for Lifelong Wellness and is the CEO and co-founder of Parlor Games LLC. Kate holds a BS, MBA, and has completed a Fellowship in Herbal Medicine.

Kate and her team at Parlor Games are on a mission to save the world one vagina at a time by continuing to educate women and health practitioners on the role of hormones in optimal longevity.

What do you do and why do you do it?

Parlor Games is the brainchild of Kate Wells and Kirsti Hegg. Best friends since 1998, Kirsti turned to Kate for help when her body betrayed her after menopause. Together, they realized that women need science, solutions & sisterhood for the second half of life, and so Parlor Games was born. Together they are saving the world, one vagina at a time, because…

  • Well, haven’t women with revolutionary ideas always gathered in their parlor?
  • And isn’t the thought that Menopause Shouldn’t Suck shockingly revolutionary?
  • We know, it shouldn’t exactly be groundbreaking, but sadly, it is.
  • We’re two best friends who decided we weren’t just going to give up on living our best lives.
  • Instead, we decided it was high time that women had the science they needed to make smart decisions about their bodies.
  • And we wanted to provide women with high-quality products that really work for living their best Menopause life.
  • And while we think Menopause is serious business, we’re all about bringing humor and joy to midlife!

What changed for you after age 50?

Well, my early 50’s was still very much focus on two priorities – parenting and career. Over time though, I gradually became aware of the growing depth of my knowledge of many things.  As a lifelong learner dedicated to expanding my knowledge of how to be a good leader, how business works, how people work, what on earth was going on inside my head, I found that more and more dots were starting to connect. Through my later 50’s and into my 60’s I have become kinder and more gracious with my own and others’ fallibilities.  I am also a Reiki Master and a deepening spiritual connection with life facilitated a broader view of many aspects of life and my own life. I have been gentling my ego, watching for when my ego arrives and attempts to hijack a situation. This awareness helps me show up with a commitment to aligning with what is true in a situation rather than seeing what my ego WANTs to be true.  I have always wanted to make a difference and as my role at Parlor Games expands I am more able to embrace what this life asks of me to meet those goals of making a difference. I have always had my fair share of courage but this larger role requires me to embrace a visibility that isn’t a natural place for me. 

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

Be kinder to people – not everyone thinks like you, operates like you do, allow grace in your interactions with people, be patient with people – oh and invest in some improved communication skills, please for the love of all that is holy, learn to communicate more effectively.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

I have no idea – hopefully that is at least 30 years away and, when I think how my self and my life has morphed in just the last four years I can’t even begin to write my own story about the next 30 years.  I know I want to continue to be of service – through a company that makes a difference, through being an active Rotary member and volunteering.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

I hope that increased visibility will introduce more women to the potential of bioidentical hormone supplementation to support living long, lively, healthful life.  Yes, we have great products, and our mission also includes education.  When we educate, the business thrives, our employees thrive, we can reinvest in expanding our outreach and education efforts.

Who or what inspires you and why?

I think the women who are our customers inspire me, and our team of amazing employees.  When I see the great work our team do, when I hear from our customers how their lives have been transformed by our products and the knowledge we share – that inspires me to keep trying to be the best person I can be, the best leader I can be.

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Wisdom Panel: Menopause Revolution

THE WISDOM PANEL: Menopause Revolution  Tuesday, March 18th @ noon ETThe Brief The Real 50 over 50 presents a monthly Wisdom Panel; this month's topic, The Menopause Revolution.  Five remarkable women entrepreneurs, each over 50, bring their brand of expertise to this...

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