Debbie Lynn Grace | The Real 50 over 50

About me

Debbie Lynn Grace is a Transformational Leader, 30-year marketing and business growth expert, international speaker, energy worker, and intuitive.

Debbie is past President of the San Diego chapter of the National Speakers Association. She is also a contributing author to five other business and personal development books besides being the author of Outrageous Business Growth. She has been published and quoted in over 300 newspapers, magazines, and online publications worldwide on business growth and personal development. She is also the publisher of Sensitive Living Magazine.

For the last 30 years, she has spoken at business, leadership and personal development conferences around the world and is frequently interviewed in the media. Debbie’s online business and transformational programs, live events and speaking engagements have impacted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Her channeled master teachings, tools and activations include high vibration frequencies that shift people into a vibration that activates their untapped innate power and puts them into alignment on their soul path.

What do you do and why do you do it?

Show people how to activate the untapped power that helps them live a high-vibration life in alignment with their soul path. I do this because this is the calling I channeled 20 years ago unexpectedly. This is not the path I ever imagined for myself and now I can’t imagine doing anything else.

What changed for you after age 50?

The best thing about women over 50 who have spent decades following their purpose is they have wisdom and insight younger people who share a message of transformation don’t have. I have a sense of freedom I never had when I was younger. As a highly sensitive person who suffered horrible bullying as a child, I never had a sense of my own identity. Now I feel powerful, purpose driven and know my direction that is a true calling.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

Being highly sensitive and empathic is one of the greatest gifts of my power instead of something that I had to suffer in silence. I spent my 20s trying to figure out who I was, fit in, and belong. Something I never felt I did when I was young. I’d tell my younger self how powerful and gifted she is, and she doesn’t have to work so hard to prove it, fit in, or belong. I wasn’t born to be a follower. I was born to be a leader.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

Grace is very big shoes to fill. I did everything I could to fill those shoes in way that brings love, joy and harmony into the world.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

Increased visibility gives me an opportunity to share the high vibration messages that have been channeled through me that are meant to be shared with people who need spiritual nourishment, guidance, direction and tools that keep me aligned on their true soul path.

Who or what inspires you and why?

I’ve had two very powerful mentors in my life. One who was a world-renowned direct marketing expert. Ray Jutkins taught me what I know in the direct response industry and gave me a huge head start when I launched my own marketing consulting business. He was the most courageous man I have ever met. He had nine lives and used them all up to their full extent. I learned single focus, courage, and to be unstoppable in pursuing my goals.

The other is a self-made billionaire who bought and sold 23 companies. One of them was doing $49 million in sales when he bought it, and it was doing $1.7 billion in sales when he sold it. He told me one day “I never get out of bed for less than a million dollars.” He wasn’t focused so much about money. What he meant was that he focused on big opportunities. He reminded me to keep my sights on a big vision. He was a true visionary. Both of these men truly inspired me to be courageous, believe in myself, and think so much bigger than any other person showed me in my life.

Something else I’d like to share

As a woman when you get older and you build your business from the feminine energy of receiving, there is a much easier path of flow. I spent the first twenty years building my business from a masculine energy of driving which kept me in a never ending cycle of hard work and burnout. Flow is the fastest and easiest way to bring your purpose filled work into the world.

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