Deb Coman | The Real 50 over 50

About me

Deb Coman is a content conversion strategist and copywriter who empowers service-based business owners to find the buyers in their email list.

She helps you capture the inner spark that makes you YOU, and bring it into your email and social media. By building trust through your message, you create a steady flow of clients, sales, and opportunities with more ease in less time.

Deb was featured in BuzzSumo’s “Top 100 Content Marketers to Follow Right Now” as well as NOW Marketing Group’s “Top 113 Digital Marketing Experts to Follow.”

What do you do and why do you do it?

I teach and support service-based business owners to create connection and build trust with their content. So many business owners allow mindset blocks to get in the way of simply being who they are with their audience. I love nothing more than helping people strip down the layers, share more vulnerably, and make meaningful connections that lead to relationships and the revenue and business goals they desire.

What changed for you after age 50?

My mind and soul thinks it’s still youthful, but my body reminds me that’s not always the case. I experienced a bunch of normal and expected losses and knew it was time to dive back into my own inner experience and get support to work through grief so that I could get back to the person I most want to be and continue to find joy.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

As many likely say to this one, I’d say, “It’s all going to be ok. And it’s ok not always to know what’s next. Sometimes things don’t seem to work out, but there’s a greater plan for us if we allow it to unfold.”

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

I think I raised good, kind kids and that’s all that’s going to really matter in the end. As things change in the world, our center of focus (at least for me) has gotten smaller to be around my immediate family. The other relationships are valued and important, but my core family relationships are the ones that matter most.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

Increased visibility allows me to reach more people who need my help. I’m grateful for avenues to teach others how to bring more connection, ease, and simplicity into their lives and business. There’s so much to share and to learn from engaging with others and increased visibility allows for more of this and for collaboration.

Who or what inspires you and why?

The women in my family that went before me. My grandmother, mom, and aunt. They had the ability to love unconditionally and to let everyone feel that love and acceptance even on the most ordinary of days.

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