Rachel Linnett | The Real 50 over 50

About me

Rachel is a transformational coach and a wise and seasoned mentor for those on a spiritual path. She specializes in working with empty nesters and those who experienced traumatic childhoods. With her delightful blend of warmth, compassion, and humor, coupled with her intuitive gifts and wisdom, she lovingly assists clients in creating lasting improvements in their lives.

After beginning her career as a hydrologist within the water resources industry, she became fascinated by transformational change and ways in which people can heal from painful childhoods. She became certified in Pilates, Usui and Karuna Reiki, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnosis, and The Journey Processes®. She was privately mentored by two prominent Akashic Record teachers. Gangaji has been her beloved spiritual teacher for 14 years.

Rachel is currently working towards certification in Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Coach Program. Rachel radiates Love into the world through her various offerings and her artwork. She has a YouTube channel, creates transformational guided meditations, leads a monthly online gathering called Self-love Sanctuary, and works with people in private sessions. Her first book, Droplets of Love – The Art of Loving Yourself into Freedom, will be published at the start of 2025.

What do you do and why do you do it?

I love guiding people to let go of their heavy, persistent emotional baggage and make dramatic improvements in their lives. I partner with them to uncover their unique blend of painful thoughts and unresourceful behavior patterns that are preventing them from thriving. And I assist them in releasing what no longer serves them and help them to connect with their inner wisdom so they can create more of what they want to experience in life.

In a nutshell, I’m passionate about helping others to free themselves from suffering so that they can live happier, more fulfilling lives.

Why do I do it? Well, I had a crappy childhood. My Mum left my brother and me when I was 9 or 10 years old. We lived with our Dad, who was abusive, neglectful, unloving, and unsupportive. My upbringing affected every single aspect of my life, and I grew up feeling unlovable and unworthy.

In my thirties, quite unexpectedly, I was catapulted onto my spiritual journey, and I began healing from my childhood.

As I learned different transformational and healing modalities, I began working with clients to help others who have experienced similar backgrounds.

A beautiful gift that came from my difficult childhood is that I’m able to guide, inspire, and support others to change their lives for the better. And I know how tough that healing journey can be because I’ve walked that path myself.

I’m here to shout from the rooftops that if I can free myself from all that crap, then so can you.

What changed for you after age 50?

I think the biggest event that transformed my life in my fifties was the death of my Dad when I was 52. We had a difficult relationship and struggled to get along. My traumatic childhood has been the focus of my inner healing work since my mid-thirties.

After his death, I wrote a letter of forgiveness to him, and it went into the fire with him at his cremation. Doing that set in motion some outrageously powerful shifts within me. Suddenly I had great clarity about what wasn’t working for me in my life. I let go of some key friendships, and I threw myself into writing Droplets of Love. I began to take my writing seriously, signed up for some book writing courses, and found a publishing company. The momentum was unstoppable from then on.

I felt as though I’d been set free from a lifetime of unworthiness, being dismissed and told I wasn’t good enough.

In many ways his death was a valuable gift to me and I’m very grateful to him for that.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

Buckle up, sweet sister; it’s going to be a challenging and difficult ride for a few years as you heal from your childhood! But you’re going to have some wild and wonderful experiences along the way and meet some truly incredible human beings. As you heal, your life will change in the most beautiful of ways. You’ll come to love and accept yourself and finally step into your power in healthy ways, embracing your gifts, and playing an important role in assisting the evolution of humanity.

Do your best to pause when you’re triggered, open into diplomacy, acceptance and meet the difficulties with a fresh approach, letting go of the story of your painful past. You are a Droplet of Love, my love. Always remember that. And I’m here with you every step of the way. Keep going. I love you.

My twenty year old self would likely have rolled her eyes!!

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

I’m so proud of myself. I’ve met some amazing people, had plenty of incredible adventures and experiences. I’ve explored my creativity, and created and shared beauty with the world in a multitude of ways. I’ve turned my life around and done my very best to spread Love and freedom in the world. I am complete and ready to go. I go in peace and with Love in my heart.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

Increased visibility will be instrumental in helping me to attract an engaged following. Right now, my following is very small, and I haven’t had time or energy to do anything about building it up. People will hear about my offerings, and it may nudge them to read my book, sign up for classes, courses, and coaching programs. It will help my business to grow and provide me with a good income.

Specifically speaking, hopefully it will dramatically increase the number of people who attend my monthly online gathering, Self-love Sanctuary (currently only 2 loyal people who attend each month). And sharing my authentic self and my energy will attract people who are ready and willing to work with me on a 1:1 basis to make dramatic improvements in their lives.

Who or what inspires you and why?

Melissa Bernstein – founder & creative genius of Melissa & Doug, and Lifelines. I had a long Zoom chat with her a few years ago, and I was struck with how humble and caring she is, and I am inspired by her desire to help others dealing with stress, overwhelm and depression. She is a creative genius, extremely successful, sponsors big local events in Westport, and at the same time has remained grounded and in touch with regular people. I truly admire her.

Something else I’d like to share

I’m also a keen artist. I love to paint flowers and landscapes, especially if water is involved. In fact, I love creating beauty and sharing it with the world. I do that with my beautiful garden too.

I’m passionate about being truly present with people, taking the time to look them in the eye and connect with them properly, smiling at them, and listening intently to what they say. Whether they work in a store or whether they are friends or acquaintances.

If someone looks like they are having a rough day, I take a moment to send them something soothing and beneficial as I walk by. I love playing a role in helping the universe to be more loving and harmonious.

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