The Real 50 over 50 | Terrlyn Curry Avery

About me

Rev. Dr. (TLC) is the creator of Pastology, the cutting-edge field that focuses on the synergy between pastoring and psychology. She holds a B.S. from Howard University, a Ph.D. from Hofstra University, and a Masters of Divinity from Yale University. She calls herself a pastologist (licensed psychologist and ordained minister) and is a transformational leader, coach, speaker, author and retreat leader. Rev. Dr. TLC has a unique approach to healing, transformation, and manifestation. She places the emphasis on the journey toward sacred intelligence: the ability to tap into one’s internal source in order to move toward intelligent choices. Those choices are intended to honor the Sacred and help the individual manifest their greatness, while simultaneously embracing the humanity of those around them. ​

Rev. Dr. TLC works with highly influential and committed leaders who need spiritual, life, or career coaching as they transform the world by creating a legacy of service, prosperity, and greatness. She also provides coaching support for leaders to help them understand how their sphere of influence can help to change the status quo and to dismantle structures that have intentionally and unintentionally created racial disparities. Her coaching provides an opportunity for leaders to: create the right context for conversations on race and leadership development with their employees; discover how racism and unconscious bias influence their hiring practices, affect their clients and have a direct impact on the company’s financial goals; and understand how racism impacts employees, their work performance, and their feelings of safety in the work environment. Rev. Dr. TLC has a long history of working with institutions, organizations, and communities to bridge the racial divide and to promote racial equity.

Rev. Dr. TLC is the host of Dismantle Racism with the Rev. Dr. TLC which airs on She is the author of Dismantling Racism: Healing Separation From the Inside Out and Sacred Intelligence: The Essence of Sacred, Selfish & Shared Relationships. Rev. Dr. TLC is the pastor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Presbyterian Church in Springfield, MA.

What do you do and why do you do it?

I am a transformational leader. Whether in the capacity of a pastor, spiritual advisor, or coach, my goal is to help people to manifest their greatness while helping others to do the same. I teach people how to tap into their sacred intelligence and make intelligent choices that will serve them. A good deal of my work is involved with changing the world by dismantling racism. This focus, like all of my work, is a calling. I want to change the world and make it a better place for me and those who are coming after me. My ancestors helped to pave the way for me, and I owe it to them to do the same for others. I also know that we are all interconnected. What we do matters. I move consciously through the world with this knowledge and want others to be aware of their impact.

What changed for you after age 50?

Well, a great deal changed which was natural because my kids were older. The biggest thing is I left my marriage, downsized my private practice, hired a coach, and stepped into the unknown.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

Let me think on this one a bit more. I think I lived life the way I was meant to live it. It’s a process of growth and development for any of us. I’ve always tried to show up as my authentic self.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

What I tell myself is that most of what we worry about or stress about doesn’t matter. This world is not reality. We are much more than what we see. We are spiritual beings who came from love and are the manifestation of something greater. So don’t hold on to things that really don’t matter.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

Increased visibility would help people to know who I am and hopefully inspire them to pursue an interest in working with me and allowing me to help them to manifest their fullest potential, particularly in the area of advocacy and racial equity.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

To be able to share my wisdom and love and learning with so many more women! That’s what excites me – to be able to get my message out and share my love in a more open and broader way. When I can give of myself to a wider community, that will be joyful for me! And in doing so, I can create more success, not just for me but for others. I would love my book to go more viral so the message of Joy really expands beyond my dreams.

Who or what inspires you and why?

I am inspired by my ancestors like Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells, Fannie Lou Hamer, and more. I am particularly inspired by my mother who raised 10 children to be kind and loving individuals with a strong capacity to give back. All of these women demonstrated strength of character, tenacity, courage, commitment, and brilliance.

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Wisdom Panel: Community – Building Something Bigger Than YOU

Wisdom Panel: Community – Building Something Bigger Than YOU

THE WISDOM PANEL: Building Something Bigger Than YOU   Thursday, October 24th @ noon ETThe Brief The October Wisdom Panel is about COMMUNITY and building something bigger than you. Since starting the Real 50 over 50 project, one recurring topic is that we feel alone....

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