Michele Julian | The Real 50 over 50

About me

My name is Michele Julian, and I’m a successful massage therapist, practicing Buddhist, energy worker, and certified holistic life and wellness teacher and guide to thousands.

From my biggest life lessons and experiences sprung forth my wildest and life-changing inspiration, The Julian Method.

The Julian Method is, like each of us, a combination and integration of multi-disciplinary wellness practices; yoga, meditation, mindset re-boot, nutritional guidance, accountability, and most of all, FUN.

I help people create and implement lifestyles that not only support their physical longevity but expand the mind and free the soul. It is an absolute honor to watch people transform, literally blossom, as they implement new tools and aligned wellness techniques into their everyday lives.

I look forward to getting to know you better and helping you create your very own personal “Julian Method,” so you may live up to the full expression of YOU! 

What do you do and why do you do it?

Julian Goddess Coaching was created with the intention of empowering individuals to embrace their inherent divinity and manifest their highest potential.

As a coach, I guide and support clients on their journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation.

What do I do?

As a Julian Goddess Coach, I work with clients to explore their inner landscape, uncover limiting beliefs, and identify patterns that may be holding them back. I use various coaching techniques, including deep listening, powerful questioning, and intuitive guidance, to help clients gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and develop actionable strategies to achieve them. I also incorporate elements of spirituality, mindfulness, and embodiment practices to support clients in aligning with their authentic selves and tapping into their inner wisdom.

Why do I do it?

I am deeply passionate about supporting individuals in their personal growth and healing journeys. I believe that everyone has the inherent power and wisdom within them to create the life they desire, and I am committed to helping clients access and activate that power. I am inspired by witnessing clients transform their lives, cultivate self-love, and step into their fullest potential. My own experiences with overcoming challenges, healing from past wounds, and embracing my divine essence have fueled my desire to support others on their path of self-discovery and empowerment.

Why is it important to me and the difference I want to make?

It is important to me because I believe that empowering individuals to connect with their inner truth and express their authentic selves is a powerful catalyst for positive change in their lives and in the world. I am committed to creating a safe and sacred space for clients to explore their inner landscape, heal past wounds, and access their inner resources with compassion and non-judgment. I strive to inspire and empower individuals to live a life that is aligned with their true essence, and to create a ripple effect of positive change in their relationships, communities, and beyond. My ultimate goal is to support clients in realizing their highest potential and living a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

What changed for you after age 50?

I love this question it’s one of my pillars that I created in the The Goddess Collective, Simplified.

The Goddess Collective is a uniquely-crafted “container” for personal growth and unraveling.

We are all naturally wired to evolve in our womanhood, and in this Collective, we have three special “pillars” to represent each unique life stage.

I am in Chapter 3 – 40’s and beyond. 40’s and beyond is the best time of your life! You have been released from so much bullsh*t! You know what’s important, you want to spend time with the people that you love, and they love you back. You simply don’t put up with anything that isn’t serving you. You really speak your truth. Your priorities finally get to revolve around what makes you happy, makes you feel vibrant, joyful, and simply blissful! Your’e settled in enjoying my life

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

In your early 20s, you have to figure out who you want to be – at this age, you really don’t know who you are. You feel lost – you’re excited – but you’re lost.

In many ways, you’re just figuring things out. You’re doing a lot of exploring. There’s a lot of uncertainty and even anxiety just because you haven’t figured out who you really want to be. Even the way you dress, who you are, hang out around with, and your personal code of conduct is a bit all over the place as you discern for yourself what is truly for you and what is not.

In your 30s, you pretty much have decided what you want as an occupation, whether you’re working for yourself or you’re working for a company – either way, it’s all about working -making money. You’re not really thinking about taking care of yourself. You’re thinking about making money. That’s how you take care of yourself. It’s all about making money and doing – working up the ladder, buliding your business, and simply making it happen. It all feels ‘do or die’.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

Enjoy your family, travel as much as you can, stop worrying about what you eat, and work smart not hard.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

This increased visibility can have a positive impact on my business as well as the collective community. This alone will increase brand awareness and expand our reach, improving our online presence.

We are gaining a competitive advantage, enhancing networking opportunities, and building customer trust and loyalty.

It can contribute to our businesses’ growth and success by attracting new customers, retaining existing ones, and creating opportunities for business partnerships and collaborations.

Who or what inspires you and why?

Jessa Grace Re-wiring for The Greater Good changed my business during the pandemic. We created masterclasses and masterminds, all with her foundation of Gratitude. I interviewed her on my podcast, The Rise of The Goddess Collective: listen and experience her wisdom.

Jessa’s motto is “your success is my success.” We talk about her journey of being a trailblazer in creating the Heartfelt Collective 2018, Greater Good Innovations 2020, and how Gratitude is the foundation of her success. Your opportunities and wisdom are something you can expand into your own gratitude. Why she is here and how can she can help other businesses embrace their own gratitude.

Jessa shares her own process of being part of something that is for the greater good. She shares her Mirror method, 17 Second Reframing, Flow Code Reading Inspirational Card Deck. As the creator of this podcast, I love this episode it’s a raw unedited goddess conversation. 

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