Candace Hozza | The Real 50 over 50

About me

Stephanie Dalfonzo is an Anxiety Expert, Integrative Hypnotist, Speaker and Author. Traditional approaches to stress, anxiety, and sleep issues are no longer enough. Because of her own struggles with anxiety and sleep issues, Stephanie has spent over 20 years researching anxiety and how it affects every part of our lives. She has compiled 35 of the techniques in her book “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom.”

There is a “special art” to being able to communicate virtually – one that Stephanie learned during her 15 years as Celebrity Radio DJ “Stevie Knox.” She teaches resilience as a skill that can be learned, practiced, and incorporated into daily living.

What do you do and why do you do it?

Over 20 years ago, I found myself at my kitchen counter, smashing my children’s precious bag of Cheetos because I had developed insomnia. I couldn’t sleep or function, and the smallest things set me off. That was when I also learned I had struggled with anxiety my entire life and didn’t know it.

The doctor put me on medication. It worked – for a short time, and then it stopped working, and things spiraled out of control even more.

I began researching science-backed strategies to calm my own stress and anxiety and to learn how to sleep well again. Then I learned hypnosis and realized I could help others through simple, holistic, and natural solutions.

As a society, we are ingrained with the notion that change has to be hard and takes a lot of work.

My mission is to help women learn how to find their calm and confidence – no matter what happens around them. I do this through 1:1 hypnosis coaching sessions, my group program “Calm and Confident YOU” through the Maven platform, articles and videos on my website, social media, and other media – including my book “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom.”

A particular passion of mine is to help our children, teens, and young adults. I believe they have struggled the most with all the turmoil of the past few years. I donate copies of my book to schools and organizations that will teach some of the techniques to children, teens, and young adults.

What changed for you after age 50?

I started to not give a f*ck.

What would you tell the 20 or 30-year-old YOU?

Stay curious, continue to have fun, don’t take life so seriously.

What do you think you’ll tell yourself in retrospect at the end of your life?

I made a lot of mistakes AND I put a lot of good into the world.

What impact do you think increased visibility can have on your business?

I can have the impact I have known is possible.

Who or what inspires you and why?

Actually you Donna… (not to blow smoke at you.) You ALWAYS find a way!

“The foundation is gratitude.”

Stephanie Dalfonzo

The Brief

This a such a fun and informative conversation with integrative hypnotist, Stephanie Dalfonzo. Stephanie’s voice has been at work for more than 40 years.

She shared her background as a radio DJ and how her voice became a gift that she uses to help people find calm and get to the root of what causes them stress or anxiety. One recurring theme is that clients experience anxiety from insomnia, this is exactly how Stephanie learned of hypnosis, which was life-changing for her.

She also shared that she learned to lean into her intuition to help people find calm quickly and make the process fun. And that laughter and intentional actions such as dropping F-bombs can surprisingly produce happy hormones and contribute to the process.

Stephanie deeply believes in her daily gratitude practice, it’s an influence in her life and her work and she sees how simply showing up with a smile or a kind word can change someone’s day. She invited us all to start the day with three things you are grateful for. She explored the science behind gratitude and its impact on cortisol levels, as well as its ability to create new neural pathways. There are misconceptions around hypnosis, and Stephanie pointed them out. Her work is not about influencing someone’s thoughts, but rather about reinforcing positive changes. The subconscious mind is powerful, 95% of our choices and decisions are subconscious, and when we can use simple techniques to harness this power for positive change, we can make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others.

This is exactly what Stephanie teaches people to do. Take these new tools, repeat them over and over, and take control of your personal GPS to teach your subconscious mind to make positive conscious decisions.

Learn more about Stephanie and connect with her on

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